How can you love your neighbor – your mom, child, spouse – if you don’t love yourself? You can’t. You might think you can. But, if you don’t know God’s Love, your “love” will be based on the ever-changing self, not the never-changing God 1 John 4:7.

What is “love”? Love is patient, love is kind; it does not envy, does not boast, and is not proud 1 Cor. 13:4. Love is unconditional 1 John 3:16. It's not ‘my truth’ or ‘your truth’. It’s God’s never-changing Truth. But our Godless world perverts “love.” Love is not lustful sex 1 Thess. 4:5. It’s not gender ideology Mark 10:6. It's not skin color John 7:24. It's not abortion Ps. 106:38. It's not open borders Neh. 2:17. Love is sacrificial, selfless.
When you accept God’s Love, it transforms your outward appearance, your heart, your mind, and eventually your bank account Rom. 12:2. How do I know? Because I’ve been there, done that and God’s Love transformed me. As an attorney and lobbyist, I burned myself out from over-consuming money and power. Consuming pornography and alcohol. Consuming millions and status. Consuming luxurious stuff. Successful by world standards while desperately trying to fill my emptiness without love.
Godless consumption is GIGO! Garbage in, Garbage out. But God’s GIGO is ‘Good in, Good out.’ Consuming God’s goodness and love fills you with good things and your youth is renewed Ps. 103:5. That’s why Heidi Callender® brands helps you love yourself, as yourself Gal. 5:14™. It’s choosing good things for your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, mind, and body to consume. Speaking faith words over fear words, seeking peace over chaos, pursuing clean living over fast living. Consuming God’s Love transforms your desires, and you get the desires of your heart Ps. 37:4.
Consuming Godless garbage is ‘like attracts like’ and I attracted exactly what I was taking in, garbage Prov. 23:7. I fooled myself thinking I could love my neighbor – my daughter, my spouse, my mom – while consuming garbage. It was God’s grace I finally burned out and got sick. On my sick bed, in that sick pit, alone, starving, and in pain, I reached for God and He met me Ps. 103:4. I literally felt His arms holding me. I felt His gentle forgiveness as I began to forgive myself and everyone I blamed for being in that sick bed Eph. 4:32. Once I let go and let God love me, I finally experienced peace. God’s Love pivoted me to follow the desires He put in my heart, to launch Heidi Callender® brands, to love myself as He loves me, to be who He created me to be 1 Cor. 16:14.
I stopped, took stock, stood still Ps. 46:10. Like the 5 loaves and 2 fish, Silver Serum was in my hands and God said “feed my sheep” and it will multiply John 21:17. My mom and I invented and patented this God-inspired skin miracle (U.S.12194120). With a mother-daughter love story that’s a testimony all its own, God used this invention to catapult me into a lifestyle brand of consuming goodness without compromising luxury. Because I love luxury!

Without God’s Love flowing through me, I would not have seen His amazing purpose for my life, experienced unification with my mom, or launched a Spirit-led lifestyle brand that gives 90% of profits back to God’s work like human trafficking survivors, pro-life resources, addiction recovery, and life skills centers. We now have two successful product lines, Heidi Skin by Heidi Callender® and Heidi Hair by Heidi Callender®, and are launching a clothing line, Clothed by Heidi Callender™! Sure, we’ve invented amazing products, but we want the message of God’s Love to be our top-seller and that’s free.
We are creating fans! Their testimonies of healing and love are amazing. They tossed their costly creams and synthetic potions, and instead of using one product for one thing, they use one product for all their things, saving time and money while consuming goodness. Like our Silver Serum, it’s goodness for everybody. It’s our all-in-one skin miracle patented for humans and animals (U.S.12194120). Helping scars, burns, dark spots, acne, rosacea, eczema, dermatitis, and more! Aiding the management after skin cancers, tightening loose skin, normalizing a face after a stroke, accelerating post-aesthetic healing, repairing sports chaffing, mending abrasions, cooling hot-sunned cheeks, soothing sunburns to chemical burns, lightening mastectomy scars, smoothing hyperpigmentation, repairing cracked dog paws from hot cement, improving post-partum recovery and colonoscopy prep. It targets the signs of aging, sets make-up, mattes midday shine, makes skin glow, and dries in less than 60 seconds without greasy residue. Try it. It’s the best one & done formula on the market!

There are no ordinary people. C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory. Unclutter, unplug, and disconnect from the world’s Godless GIGO and transform your appearance, your mind, and your bank account with God’s GIGO. You, being made in God’s image, are of great value Gen. 1:27. God loved himself so much He created you in His likeness, for His purposes, to be what He predestined you to be, yourself, being conformed to the image of His Son Rom. 8:29. He’s the ultimate anti-aging solution.
I am truly blessed. I don’t deserve it. His unconditional love and gentle grace transformed this wretched sinner, not because of anything I did or didn’t do, but just because He loves me Rom. 5:8. Like He loves you John 3:16. You are an eternal being and your eternity has already started! Will you choose an eternity in God’s love? Will you choose His consuming goodness? Will you choose to love your neighbor as you love yourself, as yourself?