Live an ANTI-AGING lifestyle & restore your youth. Outward appearances are transformed with consuming goodness.
You Choose
The choices we make everyday creates who we are. The Hebrew verb "choose" (בָּחַר, bachar) implies a deliberate and conscious decision.
Choosing goodness brings Love into your environment, both toward yourself and others. It is well-known, trusted advice when a friend (or lawyer) tells you not to make big decisions when you're upset or based on a fleeting feeling.
When you make good choices aligned to good values, you will be rewarded with peace, love, and life Prov. 13:2. But, when you choose to feed pride, judge others, and believe falsehoods about yourself and others, death hovers over your mind, body and heart manifesting in self-abuse Rom. 6:23. People without God's Love serve their depraved minds, acting evil Rom. 1:28. Just turn on the TV News or scroll through social media feeds to see examples of those who do not acknowledge God.
It's hard to refute that God exists. Go whale watching, see a 3D ultrasound of an unborn human, or listen to someone's supernatural healing experience. Then, pass by all manner of churches on your way to the grocery store. Rejecting God leads to death, not life.
Yet, we have all been there! I was angry and hate filled. I thought about depraved things, spoke fear and did evil. It wasn't hidden. Everyone around me saw it. It made me ugly, inside and out. I didn't care for my body, consuming excessively. I couldn't love myself or anyone else in my evil condition. But God is merciful. I asked Him to forgive me. I chose to forgive myself and others, to stop feeding on anger and alcohol. I chose to be vulnerable and receive God's Love. I chose not to hang around people who didn't acknowledge God and my life became much happier. Then, my outward appearance began to transform and, with every good choice, my youth was restored.
Choose Love
It's easy to judge others, and even yourself. But, with God's Love, you can let go and let God help you love yourself, as yourself Gal. 5:14™. He’s the only one who can fill us with real LOVE for ourselves so we can love our neighbor as ourselves. Trying to love yourself without God only results in a haute, self-serving pride. The "look at me" attitude, the "I'm better than you" look - seeking external validation and self-significance at everyone else's expense because hurt people hurt people.
Choosing real LOVE emphasizes loving without conditions. Unconditional, how God loves. Seeing yourself and others how God sees. Speaking the Truth in Love as mature people, even when people are mean 1 Cor. 13:1, even when they are enemies Matt 5:44.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Cor. 13:4-8
Love is not 'whatever you feel' at the moment. It's not 'your truth' or 'my truth.' It's grounded in a deeper substance than fleeting human emotions, thoughts, and hormones. If everyone believed in their own 'truth', there would be no shared understanding of what's real or valid, leading to complete confusion and eventually conflict. Love and Truth are found in God's Word, The Bible.
Choose Peace
The peace of God transcends all understanding and guards your hearts and your minds Phil. 4:7.
When chaos looms, peace can seem far away but it’s not. It's inside of you and when you find it, it will find you back. It's contagious. It's rest. It's a deep, inner peace that comes from God, even in the storms of life. It’s so profound that it cannot be fully comprehended by human reasoning alone.
Even in utter chaos, this peace can remain present and transcends our human ability to fully understand or explain it. It's not a fleeting feeling. It's a constant, ever-present presence you rest in day after day after day. By casting our cares on God through trustful prayer and persistent faith, we can experience this supernatural peace in our minds, bodies, and hearts 1 Pet. 5:7.
Choose Life
God has set before you life and death, blessings and curses; now choose life and goodness so that you and your children may live Deut. 30:19.
Choosing life is so simple yet so profound. You’re not just here for a good time. You’re here for a long, long, long time. Eternity has already started. We are already in it. We are eternal beings. Our spirit lives forever and brings “us” with it into the next spirit world - all our memories, experiences, character, choices go with you.
Life is not an inconvenience. It's a gift everyday, even when there's one body with two lives - one in the womb and one out. Life is about more than money or success, climbing the corporate ladder or being a boss. It's eternal. It's all that's left when death is at the doorstep. God affirms the value of every human life—from children in the womb to the elderly in a nursing home. God affirms Life, not your bank account.
What's "good"?
You are no more 'evil' and no more 'good' than the person sitting next to you Gen. 6:5. We are all capable of gritting our teeth to be 'good' and we are all guilty of giving in to 'evil'. Goodness is shaped through our actions and choices in alignment with God, rather than in alignment with ourselves. It's only when we make choices in alignment with God's Love that true goodness can be in us and can shine through us Rom 3:11.
Those led by the Spirit of God are those who actively seek and follow God's guidance Matt. 6:33. When we allow God's Spirit to influence our thoughts, decisions, and actions, it builds up goodness in our mind, body and spirit for this eternal life we are now in. Focusing on spiritual growth, loving relationships, and God's kingdom over worldly pursuits is choosing Love, it's choosing Life, it's choosing goodness, it's consuming goodness.