Consuming Goodness: YOUR HAIR – Shop Heidi Callender
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Consuming Goodness: YOUR HAIR

Consuming Goodness: YOUR HAIR

Live an ANTI-AGING lifestyle & restore your youth. Outward appearances are transformed with consuming goodness.

Your hair, it's everywhere! 

Hair is derived from the epidermis but it grows deep roots into the dermis. There is a visible hair shaft and then the hair follicle is under the skin with a hair bulb. Hair covers majority of your body with the few exceptions of the palms, foot soles, lips, and portions of external genitalia. There are hormone-dependent, thicker hairs in your underarms, pubic areas, scalp, chest, back, legs, arms and knuckles. Then there are androgen-independent peach fuzz hairs that cover the rest of your body.  

Hair growth has multiple phases and cycles that depend on hormones and nutrients:

  • anagen (growth phase),
  • catagen (nonproliferative phase), and
  • telogen (resting phase)

Hair serves as mechanical protection for the skin, increases sensory function, and aids in regulating body temperature. Arrector pili muscles located in the dermis attach to hair follicles, helping the shaft to stand up and trap air close to the epidermis for temperature control, helping to regulate body temperature in colder environments by providing insulation. Hair on certain areas like the scalp can protect the skin from UV radiation and minor abrasions (NCBI)

Hair follicles plays a role in maintaining your skin's structure and function by balancing cell production and loss. It also helps in wound healing and the production or formation of skin tumors. Specialized hairs such as eye lashes, nose hairs, and ear hair protect you from the environment. Eyebrows prevent sweat from getting into the eyes and scalp hairs help in stabilizing the temperature of the brain. Hairs can also excrete toxic substances like arsenic, and are used in forensic medical treatments (NIH).

Hair Consumes You

Hair follicles "consume" or absorb nutrients from the bloodstream. To nourish them and promote healthy hair growth, you need to eat a diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals like protein, iron, zinc, biotin, vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are absorbed through the digestive system and then transported to the scalp via the bloodstream.

Hair itself cannot directly absorb nutrients from external sources like hair products. Hair follicles are a one-way street! They do not directly absorb into the blood, but rather they absorb substances from the blood that flows through the blood vessels surrounding them, effectively acting as a "storage" for substances like drugs or toxins present in the bloodstream. What your hair stores can be detected through hair analysis when a hair sample is taken acting as a passive collector of what is circulating in the blood as the hair grows.

Our all- natural Hair Oil is for any hair, anywhere. It absorbs super fast and its smell is clean and luxurious. It's beard oil that softens coarse flyaways of any length to make your beard Playoff snuggle ready. Even the short stubble is softened to reduce the sandy exfoliation of a kissing spree. Plus, it nourishes the itchy, hard to reach facial skin suffering in dry climates. It's great for coarse chest hair that untangles the nest and makes it ready for intimate moments. It's great to help kid tangles brush out after a shower or to use after a blow out when frizz is at its finest. It nourishes your scalp to help reduce the dry flakes and keeps you confident. 

Healthy hair results from consuming goodness. Nutritional deficiencies lead to poor hair health and include changes to hair structure, texture, and viability. Although the mechanisms by which individual nutrients contribute to hair growth and maintenance have yet to be fully resolved, there are a variety of risk factors that predispose an individual to a nutritional deficiency; age, malnutrition, malabsorption, and medication use are among the most common (SD)

Hair has History

Hair has your history. Hair keeps a record of your life history, similar to tree rings. Hair pigment hardens as it grows out of the scalp, preserving molecules that can be seen as patterns. According to scientific research, hair is a personal "history book" of our body's health by incorporating trace elements and chemical compounds from our bloodstream as it grows, providing a snapshot of our exposure to toxins, nutritional deficiencies, or hormonal imbalances over a period of time, essentially recording our health history within the hair shaft itself.

Hair can symbolize personal change, or is part of your cultural and religious traditions. It is in many cultural and religious traditions. In ancient civilizations like Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece, hairstyles were used to signify social status and role in society. For example, Egyptian pharaohs and noblewomen wore braided wigs to symbolize power and sophistication.

He Counts Every Hair

Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows Luke12:7.

The Bible depicts the human race as having a definite clear beginning, a history which has been accurately recorded by God, and an approaching day of judgment when all men will be evaluated justly by their Creator. The fact that "books are to be opened" on judgment day means God keeps track of every detail, even if we do not ourselves keep good record books. God even pays attention to the numbering of the hairs on our heads. He will see to it that truth and justice ultimately prevail no matter how grim things seem to us at the moment 1 Cor. 4:5. God's "recording angels" are in the host of angels surrounding us everyday to help Him keep track of these things. A good example of the work of angels, and a recording angel, is in Ezekiel 9.

Being present in the NOW of God means we are present with Him leading us everyday in His perfect will, not our flawed will of the day's futile busy-ness. When we cease from this world, we pass from this realm of time and space into timelessness, which is also the NOW of God John 5:25. God is timeless and it is fun to walk daily with Jesus, as His disciples did. Think of Jesus as a vibrant, laughing, joyful, embracing lover. And even when He is rebuking His disciples, He is hugging them, and kissing them, and tousling their hair – it is a wonderful interpretation of Jesus for us to hold onto. He is not a taskmaster like this world is, wearing you down. His yoke is easy and his burden is light, restful Matt. 11:29

Following God's will is easier than following our own will, "for you cannot make even one hair white or black" Matt. 5:36. Even though many of us, mostly women, want to color our hair to keep up with the culture like the Egyptians, we cannot control what color our hair truly is. God controls something as simple as our hair color yet also controls the whole universe. Yes, everything! He already controls everything so we should stop stressing ourselves out trying to control every little thing around you. Let go and let God lead us through the story He already wrote for us in His Book of Life. Follow the path of goodness He already has for you, and save years of worry and heartache. Trust that He will care for you because He loves us - not because we did or didn't do anything, but just because He loves us.

When you walk with God, in His will, some people around you won't like you. You carry God's light and glory and it is confusing for those not following God's will for their lives but their own will. We are told, people not following God's will "will lay their hands on you and will persecute you, delivering you to the courts and prisons, bringing you before kings and governors for My name’s sake" Luke 12:21. But we are promised this will lead to an opportunity for your testimony, to share with others what you went through in your life to learn God's goodness and rest. God promises that no matter what life throws are you, if you are following God and walking in His will for your life “not a hair of your head will perish" Luke 21:18.

Gray-haired Wisdom 

Over the centuries, gray-haired men and women of wisdom have been held in esteem by most cultures. In both ancient Israel and the early Church, elders were men who showed exceptional leadership qualities and were given leadership over larger groups of people. Yet, the critical training ground for all leadership is in the home. Elders who led their families well were sought to lead clans. Exceptional leadership at the clan level resulted in becoming a tribal elder. The most honored of all were selected as elders of the nation.

The elders of the early Church, the biblical gray-hairs, were required to be able to teach, that is, to apply the Word of God to the state of affairs of those they were mentoring. Thus, the hearer was equipped to become a doer who could more obediently walk in conformity with Jesus. For example, a shepherd in the Bible was a gray-haired man of leadership who imparted wisdom and counsel to a specific group of people. God entrusted shepherd responsibility to older men who had, through a lifetime of experience, acquired the wisdom and character qualities needed to compassionately reflect God the Father to His children.

A shepherd is also a teacher who lived what he taught. He role-modeled his teachings so that other men could emulate him. Out of his life choices and experiences he taught others the Word of God and exhorted them to a way of life which glorified God 1 Tim. 3:2; 5:17.  For example, some parents are oblivious to the disruptive behavior of their own children. This is a prime opportunity for the gray-haired mentors to take the parents aside to discuss appropriate “house rules” so that the apprehension levels of others can be diminished. Parents whose children have already graduated from that stage may be able to offer helpful recommendations based on their own previous experiences. 

We look up to those who teach and lead because they have the learned, gray-hairs to prove it. Our hair shows the world who we are. Consume goodness so the world sees the goodness of God in your life. 



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